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See Also:

History of the FSPID
Western Regional Office
FSPI Act and Regulations
ISO/IEC 17020 Accreditation
Citizen's Charter

"The Health and Safety of the People is the Highest Law" - Cicero (The 12 Laws of Rome.)


The Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Division (FSPID), which began operations in 1958, is a division of the Ministry of Industry, Investment & Commerce in Jamaica and operates under the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act and Regulations. The Act and Regulations, which were first enacted in 1958 and 1973 respectively, were amended in 2019.

Headed by the Chief Food Storage Officer, the FSPID is mandated to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of all food and feed entering commerce in Jamaica.

These objectives are achieved through:

Inspection and disinfestation services conducted by the
Inspectorate and Disinfestation Unit

Laboratory services conducted by the

Entomology Unit
Rodent Biology and Control Unit
Microbiology Unit
Pesticide Residue and Mycotoxin Unit
Postharvest Technology Unit

Information dissemination provided by the 
Training and Information Unit.

Mission Statement
To provide technical and regulatory services to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of food/feed entering commerce through sound scientific principles in a timely and professional manner.

Vision Statement
A division which is equipped, structured and staffed with qualified and competent persons to properly implement Government’s policies.

Quality Policy
The FSPID is committed to:

  1. Complying with and enforcing the FSPI Act and Regulations;
  2. Complying with other relevant local and international pieces of legislation;
  3. Conforming to the ISO 9001:2015 standard and other relevant local and international standards;
  4. Customer satisfaction in keeping with its Citizen's Charter and customer requirements; and
  5. Continual improvement of its QMS.

The FSPID seeks to conduct all its services (i.e. inspection, disinfestation, laboratory analyses, and training and information dissemination) in an impartial manner. Whenever risks to impartiality are identified, steps will be taken to eliminate or mitigate such risks.

Message from the 
Chief Food Storage Officer

Being the first inspection body in Jamaica to be accredited to the ISO/IEC 17020:2012 International Standard in April 2019 and receiving ISO 9001:2015 certification in July 2022, Jamaicans can be assured that the FSPID is aspiring to operate according to international standards, continually improving its service offerings to better meet the demands of our numerous stakeholders. In addition to this, we continue to pursue ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation for our laboratory tests.

With the August 2019 amendments to the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act (1958) and Regulations (1973), our mandate to protect Jamaica consumers is stronger than ever. The FSPID team and I are also committed to carrying out our duties in an impartial manner, our goal being to ensure that all our stakeholders receive quality service.

The FSPID's continued involvement in the Jamaican Import/Export Inspection Centre (i.e. the "One Stop Shop") and ASYCUDA World will reduce red tape for importers and allow for greater collaboration among Government entities when conducting inspections at ports of entry.

At this time when our island and the world at large are facing varied challenges, I hereby assure you that the FSPID will assiduously continue to play its part in supporting our food industry and ensuring that our food is safe and wholesome. Reflecting on the achievements of the FSPID since our inception in 1958, I have no doubt that our team of well-qualified professionals will meet future challenges with innovation, determination and passion and ensure that Jamaica reaches greater heights.

Dr. Roy H. McNeil

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