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This unit conducts analyses to ensure that food and feed meet standard requirements with regard to microbial contamination.



Services Offered:

1. Microbiological analyses (plate, coliform, yeast and/or mould counts) of a wide variety of commodities including:
a) canned products, fish, poultry, soups and shellfish;
b) processed foods (e.g. cheese, pastry, noodles, cream-filled cakes);
c) powdered milk and milk products;
d) boxed and canned juices and drinks:
e) raw materials used in food processing;
f) animal and pet feed;
g) spices, condiments and agricultural produce (e.g. pimento, ginger, cocoa beans, turmeric);
h) fruits and vegetables;
i) durable commodities e.g. rice, corn, flour;
j) damaged/contaminated cargo re providing certificates to insurance companies.

2. Site inspections of food facilities re contamination and sanitation

3. Consultation re minimizing/preventing microbial contamination

4. Provision of certificates to importers and exporters

Agar cultures of bacterial isolates The Microbiology Laboratory
A distiller


Laboratory services are conducted by the:

Entomology Unit

Rodent Biology and Control Unit

Microbiology Unit

Pesticide Residue and Mycotoxin Unit

Postharvest Technology Unit

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