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See Also:

Import / Export Centre
Active Ingredients Approved
Western Regional Office


Working Together To Make Trading Easier

The Jamaica Import/Export Inspection Centre (JI/EIC), informally known as the “One-Stop-Shop”, was established in 2009 as part of the Jamaican Government’s Public Sector Modernization Programme. The JI/EIC facilitates an efficient, timely and coordinated inspection service. The JI/EIC office, located at Kingston Container Terminal (KCT) Services Ltd., Berth 11, houses representatives of all Government regulatory agencies responsible for human, animal and plant health and safety. The agencies involved include:

  • Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Division

  • Jamaica Customs Department

  • Plant Quarantine/Produce Inspection

  • Veterinary Services Division

  • Environmental Health/Public Health

  • Pharmaceutical Division

  • Pesticides Control Authority

  • Bureau of Standards Jamaica

The JI/EIC office

These agencies, with previously operated from different locations, now coordinate inspections allowing importers and exporters speedy processing of documents and cargo which results in greater efficiency in their businesses. This One-Stop-Shop will also improve Jamaica’s competitive advantage, boost and attract investment, guarantee compliance with local and international standards and ensure safe and wholesome products for consumers.

FSPID Inspector Charles Dawkins processes documents at the JI/EIC

The Jamaica Import/Export Inspection Centre

“Working Together To Make Trading Easier”

Berth 11, KCT Services Ltd.

Port Bustamante, Newport West


Tel: 923-7018 or 937-7924


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